Friday, January 12, 2007

christmastime was here. . .

. . . and it was a good season for Benjamin. Here's the recap:

Reading with his mama on Christmas Eve. I think the book was titled, I Don't Wanna Sleep, I Just Don't Wanna, and I Swear To Buddha That I'll Cry Until Your Ears Bleed If You Put Me In That Friggen Crib.

Ben's loot was enough to fill our entire living room. The TPC (Toys Per Capita) of our household is probably greater than that of most small European countries. Anna bought him the train set; I was the lucky one who got to put it together.

Our virtuoso. He's played alongside the masters but sadly, it has been three weeks since Christmas, and the shelf life for such performances just isn't what it used to be.

Here he is (in the same pajamas) waiting to open presents on Christmas night at Grandma and Grandpa Bonick's house. The Opening was a massacre of biblical proportions (and why biblical, you ask? Because Jesus would've wanted it that way).

This last one is a quick shot of Ben assisting Anna while putting together some strange new toy. Ah, Christmas.


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